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Crop Protection :: Pest of Sugarcane

Whiteflies: Aleurolobus barodensis
  • Yellowing of leaves and later it shows pale in colour
  • Leaf turns pinkish or purple and later gradually dry.
  • Infested leaves look white and black dots.
  • In severe cases it look like fiery appearance
  • It shows very slow in growth of plant
  Yellowing of leaves   Pinkish or purple leaves White and black dots
Identification of pest:
  • Egg: Females lay eggs in a line near the midrib or any where on the lower surface of the leaves. Eggs are yellowish with a small curved stalk. Colour changes to black about two hours after the eggs are laid.
  • Nymph & Pupa: Neonate nymphs are pale yellow in colour, flat and oval in shape, later turn shiny black. Its body is surrounded by fringes of wax.The fourth instar being the pupal stage, is flat, oval, greyish in colour and slightly bigger than the nymph. There is a ‘T’ shaped white marking on the thorax, which splits at the time of adult emergence.
  • Adult: Pale yellow body with hyaline wings dusted with waxy bloom, exhibit brisk fluttering movements.
  Young and adult whitefly   Whitefly

Cultural method:

  • Avoid water stagnation and provide proper drainage facilities
  • Detrashing of cane at the 5th and 7 th month
  • Avoid the excess application of fertilizers

Physical method:

  • Detrashing the puparia bearing leaves and immediately disposing by burning or burying to prevent emergence of adult white flies.
  • Ensure adequate irrigation which facilitates the soil moisture and reduces the multiplication.

Chemical method:

  • Spray fenitrothion 50 EC @ 2 lit / ha (1000 lit spray fluid)
  • Spray thiamethoxan 25 WG @ 125g/ha, 750 litres of spray fluid.   
  • Spraying acephate 2g per lit of water.the spray has to be repeated after a month to kill the nymphs emerging from eggs
  • Application of chlorpyriphos @ 1250 lit spray fluid by using hand sprayer
Content Validators:
Dr.V.Jayakumar, Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology), Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore -641007.
Dr.T.Ramasubramanian, Senior Scientist (Entomology), Division of Crop Protection, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore -641007.
Dr.M.Ravi, Assistant Professor (Entomology), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sirugamani- 639115.

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